Símbols de Christoffel

Símbols de Christoffel



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Es defineixen a partir d’igualar la derivada covariant del tensor mètric a zero
I des d’aquí s’arriba a
Nota: Els símbols de Christoffel no pertanyen a un tensor, no transformen com un tensor malgrat tenir 3 índexs. A nivell tècnic diríem que són les components d’un objecte que viu en el segon fibrat tangent (fibrat jet).

Coordenades polars o esfèriques

While , Minkowski space in any set of coordinates has

Derivada contravariant

“The vector components can change from point to point (in a curved space) either because it is a different vector or because your basis has changed”
“Christoffel symbols encode how much the basis vectors change as we move along the direction of the basis vectors themselves”
equació geodèsica

Transport Paral·lel

“Since the Christoffel symbols let us define a covariant derivative (i.e. a derivative that takes into account how the basis vectors change), it allows us to define 'parallel transport' of a vector. I.e. the Christoffel symbol tells us what it means to say that a vector is shifted from one point to another in a way that it stays 'parallel to itself'. 'Parallel to itself' just means 'covariant derivative vanishes'.”
“he crucial fact for curvature is not just that we end up with a different vector than we started with (that can happen in the case of zero curvature) but that exactly which vector we end up with depends on the path we took.”

Exemple d’ús: Derivació de la laplaciana en polars

Foto extreta del Twitter de Javier García, divulgador de física i professor de la UAB.
Foto extreta del Twitter de Javier García, divulgador de física i professor de la UAB.

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Idea Principal

Es corresponen al transport paral·lel en tan que són una suma de derivades dels vectors base

Tipus de símbols de Christoffel

Imatges xules

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